In Dec. 2019, Tony listed it for sale for $6,000 and it was located near Dayton, OH. He said the Hondamatic engine was not running.
Paperwork says the vehicle ID is 14-J.
The Scranton control number is either painted on the main tube located between the drivers legs or on the frame. The Title of the Litestar usually has the last three numbers such as: VIN #.......100 ---- This is Litestar #001.
However, some VIN numbers are completely different than other VIN numbers of these 15 Litestars, so it can be confusing. The fiberglass bodies were numbered on a label attached to the inside of the body by its' manufacturer, ETM. Enterprises of Grand Ledge, Michigan. David Vaughn of Owosso, MI had the bodies made and shipped to Iowa.
Hondamatic 450cc engine
Your Host, Steve Schmidt
Last Update: 11-20-20......
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